Saturday, July 27, 2013


So for many out there expression is the best way to let out your emotions. for me that is defiantly the case. All kinds of art I am passionate about, sure question what I'm actually good at do so. I am good at photography, painting, drawing and singing. From a young age I relied on these types of art to express myself. Know one was really into listening to me...truthfully I didn't feel like talking about it, because I would just start crying. I would bang my hands on the piano to get out my anger and eventually I progressed from that to composing music to express myself (much better sounding). Photography was always wonderful, it allowed me to step out of the box and focus my mind on something other than the struggles I was facing. Stepping out into nature and immersing myself into the beauty. Painting and Drawing has always been a great thing to me. Drawing lets my mind wander and create amazing things from my emotions, which allows me to put things into perspective and solve the problem. Painting allows me to flow and feel a little free as I mix the colors together putting them on the canvas. singing I will save for a different day... that is much more elaborate for me to describe

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